We are constantly bombarded by all that is going wrong in the world. On television, radio, online, and in conversation, we hear of natural disasters, murders, scary political maneuvering, climate change, disease, poverty, and on and on and on. The voices are loud, clamoring for our attention. How can we feel optimistic or at peace in the face of all this suffering and negativity?
It is easier to be optimistic, and have the energy to work toward change, if we prioritize what is front and center in our mind and on our radar

Try making a point of seeing what is positive. This may mean:
- noticing the clerk who is trying to do a good job
- seeing all the filled recycle bins on the curb on garbage day
- enjoying the sun when it peeks out from behind a cloud
- taking a moment to delight in the giggling of a child or the laughing of your friend
- appreciating when your relationships are working
- watching someone on the street helping a fellow citizen
- acknowledging the person who lets you slip into the lane in busy traffic
- and on and on and on!