Self Care Tips
Take a News Snooze
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, October 03, 2018
If you are like me and your car radio is tuned to NPR, you check the New Yor ..
Make it Work
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Do you feel like you are constantly busy?
Have too much on your plate?
Curb the Criticism
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, September 12, 2018
I wrote this tip several years ago. Given our current climate of "haters," n ..
How Do You Spend Your Time?
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Take a piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle so you have t ..
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Need a laugh, a cathartic crying session, or some excitement in your life? O ..
Notice the Good Stuff
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, August 08, 2018
I wrote this several years ago. Although it seems like we're living in the scari ..
Visualize Your Way to Your Calm Place
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Feeling stressed? anxious? irritated? Visualization is a fun and easy way to ..
Ready, Set, Indulge
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, June 13, 2018
In this tip, I'm suggesting that you indulge yourself. Indulging oneself oft ..
Junk in the Trunk
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, May 16, 2018
My friend, ( Jenison (http://lesl ..
Plan a Picnic
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Here's a quick tip that won't take much time.
Picnics are not just for ..
