Be sure that you are taking any medication at the correct time, in the correct quantity, with the correct instructions. Often when we are prescribed medication our head is so full of information about why we are taking the medicine and its risks and benefits, that we don't absorb the specific instructions. Even when the pharmacist counsels us, we may not take it all in.

So, set aside a few minutes and make a list of everything you take (including vitamins, pain relievers, herbal remedies, and supplements) and when you take them. Be sure to include info on what you take at the same time. Then, call or visit your pharmacist with list in hand. Go over it thoroughly to be sure nothing interacts or counteracts each other and that there are no dietary restrictions, or contraindications.
Not a very sexy tip but one part of self care that can literally save your life, or at least let whatever you take do its job!