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Self Care Tips

Appreciate Your Age

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, March 08, 2017

I recently had a carpal tunnel release, two procedures to relieve pain in my low back, and am a regular customer of physical therapy. As the "bubbie" of three granddaughters, I find it hard to keep up with them. I can't remember names or what I just watched on TV. My every other word seems to be, "What?"

I'm definitely not complaining. The things I mentioned above are just facts about my life. I feel fortunate to have lived long enough to cuddle my granddaughters, gaze into their eyes, and feel I am the luckiest woman on earth. I'm grateful that I feel it easier to be my authentic self, don't worry as much about what people think, and don't have to try so hard to live in the present. I just can't believe I'm 68, and often think it must be a mistake that I am this old (at least until my body reminds me)!

Your self care tip this week is to reflect on your age and the benefits that come with it. Instead of bemoaning wrinkles, aches and pains, and the other things that accompany aging, appreciate the wisdom you have gained, the experiences you have had, and the pleasure growing older gives you!

Want More?

Several years ago, I wrote an article on aging. It still rings true for me today. If you are struggling with aging, you might want to check out my essay on Aging with an Attitude.

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