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Self Care Tips

Be Careful What You Say!

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Did you ever stop to think that what your mouth says your ears hear? It sounds obvious but it is important to realize that what we say can have an impact on what we think or feel. For example, when you make a mistake, goof up, or say something you wish you hadn't said, have you ever blurted out...? 

"I'm stupid!"

"What an idiot I am!"

"I hate my big mouth!"

Or maybe you've heard yourself say:

"I can't."

"I'm not good enough."

"Why would anyone like a dummy like me?"

When you say these negative things about yourself your ears hear the words and your brain reacts to their negativity. It doesn't stop to weigh the truth of the statement. It takes it at face value. It makes you feel worse.

While at times in your life you may have, or even now, believed some of those negative descriptions of yourself, you don't have to re-enforce them. The next time you find yourself being nasty to yourself, try to stop yourself and substitute something more kind like:

"Wish I hadn't done that."

"Everyone makes mistakes."

"Next time I'll do better."

Be careful what you say, you just may believe it!

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