Are you in a leisure activity rut? When you think of going out, are dining or movies the only things you think of? Can you remember the last time you did something different?
Most of us feel overwhelmed by our daily responsibilities. Your weekends are spent with chores or catch-up. If you have kids, you're probably running them from one activity to another. How about taking time for activities of your own?
As I am assessing my clients, I ask them what they do for fun. Most answer, "I used to..." But what about now? No matter how busy or how financially stretched you are, there are things you can do that could be considered entertaining and fun!
Having fun is part of self care. Planning can be tedious or overwhelming, so be spontaneous. On your day off, pretend you are a tourist in your own town or area. Go online and visit your local Convention and Visitors Association. Kansas City's website has an event calendar, links to attractions, and lots of suggestions of things to do. You might want to try a service like Goldstar, which offers discounted tickets to entertainment and sports events. Pick something that appeals to you and then actually DO it!
Self Care Tips
Be Spontaneous
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, June 14, 2017
