My friend, Darla Arni, sent me a unique gift a few years ago. Little did she know it would have special meaning for me that continues to be relevant today.
The gift was beautiful in itself, an original mixed media collage on canvas. When I received it, I had been feeling a bit overwhelmed, both on a personal and professional level. The message on the front and the words in the background were just what I needed to hear.
Darla's gift holds a special place in my office. When I glance at it, I do the following exercise. Even though you don't have the collage, you can do the exercise too:
Begin by finding a comfortable place and practice being mentally still for at least five minutes. Do not watch the clock. Set a timer. Concentrate on your breathing. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. As thoughts and to-do lists come into your head, let them go by going back to following each breath. Try this at least once a day for a week and when you are ready, increase your time. The result will be calmness, clarity, and a feeling that you can handle whatever comes your way.
As we enter into the "busyness" of the coming months, self care can be making the time to be still.
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Darla is an artist, professional speaker, author, and expert in creativity and stress management. You may want to check out her website Full Plate No Fork and subscribe to her e-newsletter of the same name.