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Self Care Tips

Be Your Own Best Friend

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Something many of my clients have in common is that they seem to spend a great deal of time taking care, thinking about the needs of, and doing for others. If they were to make a list of daily priorities, most likely their own needs would be at the bottom. I bet you see your good friends over-committing for others and under-doing for themselves. You may even have told them they have to stop. What about you? Sound familiar?

Your tip for this week is a different twist to the "golden rule:"

Do unto yourself as you wish your best friend would do unto herself or himself.

If you walk around tired or frazzled most of the time, you may be guilty of over-committing. Now is the perfect time to put your needs first. After all, if you are exhausted, nobody's needs are getting met.

In order to do this you may have to say "no" to others once in a while. If you have children at home, this may mean limiting the number of classes or sports they are involved in. If you are active in a religious community, this might mean limiting the number of volunteer assignments you take on. If you belong to a number of groups or associations, this may mean analyzing whether they are still meeting your needs and even dropping some.

Self care is thinking of yourself as your own best friend and acting accordingly!
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