I had this quote hanging in my consultation room:
It was a wonderful reminder for my clients, and me, that our future is something we make happen, not something that happens to us. Sure, there are things that occur that are out of our control. But, how active of a role do we take in writing our story?
This is especially important if you are at a point in your life that does not feel good to you. While you may not be able to make major changes at this moment, identifying the components of how you would like your future to unfold is a start to making it happen.
- Take some time to ponder where you want your story to be in five years, ten years, twenty years (and more depending on how old you are).
- Visualize where you will be living at each point, with whom, what your daily life will be, what will be important to you.
- Write down the year, i.e. five years from now will be 2022 and then describe what you would like your story to be then. Bullet points would work.
- You may already have a "bucket list." This would be a good time for plugging in when you plan to get to the items.
- If chronological order isn't your thing, you could write your story in segments or chapters: Family Life, Friendships, Career, etc.
This kind of exercise gives you a good starting point to begin putting the pieces in place to be where in your story you would like to be. It will also empower you to develop your own life's coming attractions!