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Self Care Tips

Doing it Differently

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I will admit it, I play games on my iPad to relax and zone out. Sometimes I overdo. Over the last several months, I have probably spent more time playing Bejeweled Blitz and Solitare than was therapeutic. Yet, I have found that games are more than just a relaxing pass time.

What playing these games  does for me is encourage me to do something differently. If I keep playing it the same way, I lose. If I try a new way, I often win, or at least get a better score.

How many times do you try to change a behavior, a habit, or a way of doing by using a strategy over and over again only to get the same unwanted results? I saw it with my clients all the time. Struggling couples employ the same arguments to get the other to "see the light." Individuals grapple with their personal issues in the same way. Family members get stuck in the same interactions that don't work.

If you find yourself stuck in a pattern that isn't working with you, I suggest employing my "Game Strategy," by trying something new. You can do this by:

  • Looking at the issue from a different angle.
  • Trying out a tactic opposite of what you are using.
  • Thinking from another point of view.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something that makes you just a bit uncomfortable.

It might not work the first time you try but I think you will find doing it differently a self care strategy that will get you unstuck and may even solve a lifelong problem! 

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