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Self Care Tips

Facing Forward

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, May 10, 2017
We spend a good bit of our time facing forward. We check our schedule to Facing Forward see what we have to do today, we anticipate getting home after work, even when we walk or drive we are looking ahead. So why is it that many of us base our mood, even our happiness, on what has happened in the past?

I'm not talking about traumatic experiences or painful childhoods. Those wounds often need to be respected and take careful attention to heal. What I'm referring to are those things in recent or past history that keep us stuck.

  • The fight we had with our partner or kid this morning.
  • A grudge we have held against a bossy sibling.
  • The neighbor who doesn't keep his dog from barking.
  • Disappointment in our rate of professional progress.
  • Regret over a missed opportunity.
Self care can be acknowledging past hurts, guilts, or pain but then turning your attention to the future. It's not easy, yet it can be done.

Most of the time we can't change what has happened in the past. The next time you find yourself looking backward with anger, sadness, or regret, imagine physically turning your head. Instead of looking over your shoulder, turn your head forward and into the future.

The future is what you want it to be and since it isn't here yet, it is what you make it. It is your choice to prolong your anger, continue a grudge, or stay stuck in regret. The symbolic or imaginary act of facing forward can make a difference.
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