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Self Care Tips

Life in the Fast Lane

Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Do you find yourself always running late?

Are you usually in a rush? 

Is squeezing one more thing into your day making you chronically stressed? 

Most of us have slipped into the fast lane at one time or another. Unfortunately, we don't realize it until we feel overwhelmed and out of control. If you are consistently cutting it close for every meeting or event, it may be time to turn on your signal and switch to a slower lane. Here's how:

Start your day prepared - Before settling down to relax in the evening (i.e. not just prior to going to bed), lay out your clothes for the next day, check your schedule and gather anything you need to take with you, and pack your lunch or snacks.

Always add to your travel time - Between traffic and road construction, it is unusual to get anywhere in the time we allot. Add an extra 15 minutes to your travel time even if your destination is close by.

Fill'er up - Don't wait until the gas gauge gets to empty. Avoid last minute pit stops by getting in the habit of filling your tank at the halfway mark.

De-clutter your calendar - Resist the urge to overbook yourself. You will be more efficient and productive if you aren't in a rush. When you set the pace at fast forward, you waste time because you make more mistakes, experience stress-induced brain freeze, and are apt to get lost and cranky.

Self care may require you to slow down. Arriving at your destination calm, cool, and collected will be the reward for your effort.

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