Big companies do it, so why can't we? If you feel that there are not enough hours in the day to get what you need to done, this may be a perfect method of self care for you.
Here are some ideas on things that you could outsource:
- If all adults in your home work full or even part-time, a house
cleaning service is not a luxury but a necessity. Having someone clean your toilets, do a thorough vacuuming, or power clean your kitchen can give you back your weekends AND help you avoid those fights over who is doing more.
- Do you get your clothes dry cleaned? If so, switch to one that picks up and delivers your clothing so that you can take one more thing off your to-do list.
- Speaking of clothes, how much time do you spend shopping or looking in your closet for something to wear and nothing seems right. It's So U! can help you painlessly better understand your unique personal style so you no longer make shopping mistakes and have a 100% wearable wardrobe .
- Many of us know we need to organize our "stuff" but always seem to procrastinate when it comes to doing it. How about outsourcing that organizing job you have been putting off? The National Association of Professional Organizers can help you find someone in your area to help.
- Unless you love gardening or lawn care, or use those tasks for stress management or exercise, you might want to save your precious time by hiring a neighborhood kid or lawn service to do the work.
- It might seem like too much of a luxury but does the idea of outsourcing your grocery shopping appeal to you? For $15.00 you can get next day delivery of everything you want. "Google" grocery delivery and the name of your city to find a service that fits your needs.
Before you totally disregard the above suggestions out of hand because you think you can't afford the added expense, take a few minutes to think about the value of your time and energy. Imagine your elevated mood if you could get one of these tasks off your to-do list.
Outsourcing can be your way of taking special care of yourself!