This is the 455th issue of Self Care! I'm so excited that I have sent out weekly tips for almost nine years. I am also proud of myself. I have met the goal I set for myself when I started this adventure. I'm positively kvelling on myself. Kvell is the Yiddish word to "exclaim joyfully or proudly." It is usually used when talking about a loved one who has done something special.
We're taught not to brag or be conceited but does that mean we can't acknowledge our own triumphs or successes? So many times we are the first to criticize ourselves for not meeting a goal or doing well. I believe we should be the first to pat ourselves on the back and bask in the glow of a job well done.
I'm suggesting that it is healthy and an act of self care to be proud of yourself. I've told you about what I'm exclaiming joyfully and proudly. I'd love to hear about something you're kvelling about too!
Self Care Tips
Pat Yourself on the Back
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, July 11, 2018
