According to a 2006 study, 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression with about a quarter to half of these caregivers meeting the diagnostic criteria for major depression. If that doesn't stun you into taking better care of yourself, check out these statistics compiled by the Family Caregiver Alliance.
Several years ago, I wrote a booklet for family caregivers. It offers 50 Easy Ways to Replenish Your Spirit, Refresh Your Attitude, and Recharge Your Life. Your Self Care Tip this week is to download this free resource. If you are a caregiver read it yourself. If you know a caregiver, share it with him or her.
Another helpful resource for caregiver is the We Care Newsletter from the Shepherd's Center of KC Central. They have many other resources for caregivers and aging adults.
Celebrate National Caregivers Month by honoring yourself, and your loved one, by practicing Self Care!
The Dementia Journey
If you, or someone you know, is caring for a loved one with dementia, this resource is for you.
Throughout her mother's struggle with Alzheimer's disease, Deborah Shouse sought joy in each interaction, explored creative ways to connect with her mom, and developed new rituals to anchor holidays and celebrations. This experience led Deborah to write her book Love in the Land of Dementia: Finding Hope in the Caregiver's Journey. She also writes a blog, The Dementia Journey. It is a fantastic resource for anyone with a family member or friend who has dementia. Be sure to sign-up and also check out past issues.