When was the last time you had a dream? Not the sleeping kind but the dream of doing something, accomplishing something, or having something in the future.
In the business world we call them goals but that word seems so boring. Dreams seem more exciting, enjoyable, and life enhancing. Unfortunately, in the current climate of our country, many of us have traded our dreams for the reality of staying afloat and surviving. Even when times are tough though, it doesn't mean we can't dream.
It takes courage to dream. Do you hesitate to dream for fear that your dreams won't come true? Or, perhaps you don't dream because you don't believe you could accomplish something you wish for? Maybe your dreams have been dashed in the past and you are afraid you will be disappointed again.
Self care is mustering the courage to dream (or begin dreaming again). Without our dreams our life can be pretty stagnant. I challenge you to start dreaming. Start small or go for a big one. Just start! It's time.
Self Care Tips
The Courage to Dream
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, February 15, 2017
