To the surprise of my new clients, I always asked them about their strengths and what do they feel have been their successes in their life thus far. Depending on their mood and why they were coming to see me, these questions can stump them.
If you believe listing your strengths and successes would be hard for you, it may be because we are socialized not to brag about things we have achieved or talents we may have. Because of the negative implications of feeling good about our gifts and graces, many of us haven't thought about just how amazing we really are.
You may want to try listing your strengths and successes. It's a fun exercise and can be useful when your self-esteem or self-confidence is suffering. Make your list when you are feeling good about yourself and then as as a helpful act of self care, pull it out when you aren't. It will remind you of your gifts, talents, and accomplishments and during a down time, just might give you the boost you need!
Another way to explore this would be to think about your friends and relatives. I bet there are many you admire. I also think there are many that admire you. It would be interesting and probably enlightening to have a conversation with one of these people about what you admire in each. Intrigued? Try it!
Self Care Tips
What are Your Strengths and Successes
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, August 02, 2017
