Self Care Tips
Stop That Negative Self Talk
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Setbacks, mistakes, or things not turning out the way we want them to, often ..
I'll Think About it Tomorrow
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage.
-Al ..
It's Mind Over Matter
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 31, 2018
February 3 is the anniversary of my dad's birth. If he were alive today, we ..
Gratitude for Your Body
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Many of us have made new year's resolutions to lose weight. Local magazines are ..
Be Careful What You Say!
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Did you ever stop to think that what your mouth says your ears hear? It soun ..
Finders Keepers
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 10, 2018
How much time and energy have you wasted in the last week looking for something ..
Life Stories
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, January 03, 2018
As a therapist, I have had the unique opportunity and privilege to hear many ..
Fresh Starts
Karen Rowinsky - Friday, December 29, 2017
Are you making new year's resolutions or intentions for 2018? It seems like ..
Control the Comparisons
Karen Rowinsky - Thursday, December 21, 2017
Studies on happiness reveal that happier people do not spend much time compa ..
Your Year in Review
Karen Rowinsky - Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Before you start developing your goals for next year, how about spending som ..
